New Program launched September 19

On Friday, September 19th,  the Museum launched ‘Discover With Me!’

‘Discover With Me!’ activities are designed to directly involve both adult caregiver and child. As the adult you will be playing, pretending, exploring and discovering right along with your little one(s). When we wrap up each session of ‘Discover With Me!’ parents will be offered information and activities which will aid in continuing the fun and learning at home.

Starting promptly at 11:00am there will be guided activities for adult caregivers and child(ren). We will begin with a short discussion/presentation highlighting a particular developmental skill followed by activities that support that information.

From 10am until noon the museum will be open to all families. School groups will not be scheduled during this time to allow our youngest patrons access to all museum exhibits.

‘Discover With Me!’ differs from our previous Toddler Time in a couple ways. There will be a definite start and end time for each session. The content covered in the Fall will be repeated with some new materials during the winter/spring session. Occasionally there will be a small fee for special materials.  The materials covered by the fee will always go home with parents and their child(ren).