Tag Archive for: holiday activities

Celebrate Peace Day at the Curiosity Place!

Go Squatchin’ at the Curiosity Place!

You’re invited to GLCM’s Countdown to Noon 2023

2023 Festival of Trains

Bubble Paint an Ornament with Leelanau Pottery Company

Hunting for a personalized gift for your little one to give to a parent, grandparent or loved one? Or just looking for a relaxing way to spend the afternoon with your family? We’ve got you covered with a holiday program that does both!

On Wednesday, December 13 from 12pm-2pm, Stephanie Starner, owner of Leelanau Pottery Company, is teaching a pottery class at the Great Lakes Children’s Museum. An accomplished local artist and mother of two, Stephanie has a knack for introducing the medium of pottery to artists of all ages.

This month’s class centers around two things that children love: the holidays and bubbles! In this activity, children will begin by choosing a pre-fired ornament shape and a paint color before blowing bubbles in the paint to create a unique pattern. The result is a delightful keepsake, perfect for gifting to friends and loved ones. As a bonus, participants will be able to play in the Museum while their creation dries; each ticket for the class comes with free admission to the Children’s Museum!

Although we love to have guests “pop in” to play at the Museum, advanced registration for this specific event is required. Tickets can be purchased here through Leelanau Pottery Company. Registration to play in the Museum Galleries from 12-2pm is included with your ticket from Leelanau Pottery.

Register today so that you can join us Wednesday, December 13 from 12pm-2pm for a festive afternoon of pottery and play time! 

Merry Mystery Sasquatch Search

Join the Merry Mystery Sasquatch Search!

Monday December 26th – Friday December 30th, all sessions

This experience is FREE with Museum Admission ($8 for children and adults, free for members).

Wonder, Imagine, Believe

Ever wonder if Bigfoot exists? Can you imagine seeing a Sasquatch?  Believe it or not, the Great Lakes Children’s Museum is conducting a Merry Mystery Sasquatch Search this holiday season.  Come with curiosity. Use sasquatch science to investigate and explore the mystery of Bigfoot.  Have some fantastic fun following and making your own footprints.  Ask questions: “If bigfoot is out there, what would he eat, where would he hide, what does he sound like?” 

Find the answers to all your sasquatch questions. 

The science is in the searching. 


Tickets will be available for purchase the week of December 19th

(each day goes on sale a week ahead of time)

Buy Tickets! Sign Up as a Volunteer